Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Techinduced Lucid Dreaming - 3

Gathering much data from scientists, to researching experiments and essays, to watching videos and reading books on the subject of Dreaming or Meditating. I have come to create some opinions of my own on the field of "Consciousness Discovery."

"Dreams are a person's collective personally perspective information that is stored into the unconsciousness effected by what is entered by the consciousness." Now granted there are many, many, many, variables as to why everybody can look at the visualize the same thing and describe something different as anyone else. Which include: Diet, genetics, environmental and/or human created exposures etc.

What I have also learned is that meditating and sleeping dreaming have a larger connection then most think. The 4 years I was active duty I was very much introverted, more so than I am today, and I meditated or what called relaxed by sitting on the ground. What I experienced was a sense of what I would call falling asleep. It was very close to an outer body experience. I would relax to the point where I was fully conscious yet there were times I could find my breath slowing to the point where I wasn’t breathing at all. Now some might conclude that no oxygen to the brain is the cause of sleepiness and hallucinations, however I would only rebuttal that theory by researching breathing behaviors of REM sleep cycles on sleeping people as well.

My perspective is usually that of reverse engineering. I look at the results and then ask how and why. Both sleeping and meditation have very similar if not identical outcomes based on my own experiences and reading about others experiences.

Well with all that said and me leaving out quite a few details (this is a blog not a book) I recently discovered a new product. A fairly simple yet, highly priced product.

Now it wasn’t the claim that the creators came up with that states "Remee is a specialized sleep mask designed to help increase the frequency of your Lucid Dreams." No what stood out was the video. I now look back at the video and see it more of a selling presentation more so than a hard evidence information piece. Also when I look back at the Remee description the creators sort of mention a more physiological health aspect of Lucid dreaming, which I believe is the more powerful and pressing goal of Lucid Dreaming. The description states "Flying through the galaxy riding a giant kitten might not be your thing, but what about having a roundtable discussion with your ego and id?" Yeah I can defiantly see how the mainstream (or MoneyStream as its called in the biz) would not be interested in a high-priced psychological piece of equipment... BORING!!! However Going through the galaxy on a giant kitten, well hotdamn sign me up! Whoweeee! lol Damn I'm an ass...

Regardless of my personality defects (self described bullshit filter) the Remee's function does offer a major aspect of Lucid Dreaming. Here is a description of that function: During your sleep cycles, Remee flashes a series of customizable, recognizable light patterns via six rear facing LEDs. The lights aren't bright enough to wake you up, but, if you are dreaming, they can appear as visual anomalies in your dreams, helping the dreamer recognize the fact that they are dreaming, and become lucid.

In the book ONEIRONAUTICS A Field Guide to Lucid Dreaming, chapter 8 is called reality check. In this chapter the book describes many ways to perform a reality for two main reasons. The first is for beginners and if you can perform a simple yet impossible feat such as making one hand pass through the other then you know you are in a dream. The other is for veteran dreamers, which states to perform a reality check such as one hand going through another for to know if you are in reality or a dream. Which may sound scary at first (Thank you Inception) but to veteran dreamers this is just a habit developed over time.

Well speaking of Inception this brings me to a few of my other disagreements about "having fun" in dreams. Now I am all about having fun so much so that I find it very hard to Lucid Dream for the simple fact that my thought process will not allow me to control what I consider natural. I don't know what it is but I hate "interfering with the way things roll out." I'm getting a little off subject...

Thank god Inception was made. The film brings two very important issues to mind. Before I list them the only way for every reference I have listed thus far you have to believe that dreams themselves are the fragments of our unconsciousness, where only the very powerful events stay and are intertwined with each other making them seem even more of a random collective.

One: Reality Checks, LED lights and Totems are your inanimate artifacts and/or tests that shield your unconscious from your conscience. Jung states that people with hysteria are people whose unconscious collective has taken the place of their unconsciousness. In my interpretation they're people that are living the fragments of their unconscious and if dreams are our unconscious, then just like a "crazy" homeless guy both dreams and them are pretty damn random.

Two: Dreams are our unconscious and very powerful, so powerful that the unconscious is practically a mind of its own. You have to realize that who you are and what makes you different from everyone else is your own experiences. You remember most powerful events in your life and forget details; sometimes you remember details and not necessarily the powerful event. You’re unconscious usually if not all the time collects the information that your conscience cannot remember or refuses to remember because the event was powerful enough to cause an actual physical change or even a physical aliment. The human body hates change how ever keep doing the change and your body will adapt and how well you adapt is based on genetics and experience or a mixture of the two.

Now dreams/unconscious as I stated are very powerful. When you Lucid Dream or meditate you are essential mixing your unconscious with your conscience or to reference it to another great film you’re in and out of the matrix. Now just like with any powerful entity brings your unconscious to the surface is very dangerous and psychologist Carl Jung has learned and he learned the hard way. In Inception the main character and his wife lived in a dream for decades without aging and living what they considered heaven. Of course when they came back to reality her mind was still lost and she couldn't distinguish between reality and the dream world, which ultimately ended with her own demise.

The main problem with Neo waking up and realizing the world he knew was a fake just as Mal from Inception couldn't figure out what was real. Neo became physically ill where as Mal became physically dead. Eventually Neo from the matrix becomes a master of his consciousness and unconsciousness and is able to fly catch bullets and all the wonderful things you can do in dreams. My point is that when you Lucid dream consider it a long exciting journey and not so much as a day at the theme park. Dreams are our unconscious and our key to true happiness lies within our unconsciousness.

When you realize your problems are from within and not from without you will realize who and what you are in this world.

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